Crystal Creek Homeowner's Association
Crystal Creek Entrance

Crystal Creek Homeowners Association FAQ

Q: What is a homeowner's association?
A: It is an incorporated, non-profit organization that operates in compliance with recorded legal documents (covenants and restrictions). The main purpose is to provide a method of ensuring adherence to the covenants and restrictions, and to maintain the quality, character, and value of the subdivision.

Q: What are our dues?
A: Our dues for the year 2015 are $205.00

Q: When are they due and where do I send them?
A: They are due before January 15 every year.

Send dues payable to:

Crystal Creek HOA
PO Box 130328
Ann Arbor, MI 48113-0328

Q: When is the next meeting?
A: Please see the Calendar of Events page.

Q: Where do we meet?
A: Pittsfield Charter Township Hall, 6201 W. Michigan Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 . For directions, please click here to see a map.

Q: Where do I get a copy of our bylaws?
A: These are available on the Documents & Forms page.

Q: I need to contact the board members, how would I do this?
A: You can email the Board of Directors at

Q: I'd like to serve on the board, how do I do this?
A: Elections are held every year for those neighbors who want to be on the board.

Please see the Calendar of Events page to find out when the next election will take place. Also see the Board of Directors page to explore what board membership involves. All board meetings are open to any member to attend, but not to vote.

You may want to try out a neighborhood committee:

  1. Architectural Review Committee
  2. Website and Communications Committee
  3. Garage Sale and Picnic Committee

Q: I am building an addition. How do I get this approved?
A: First, you have to get a building permit from Pittsfield Township.
Second, you have to get approval from the Association by completing
the Alteration / Modification Form on the Documents & Forms page.

Q: Where do I get a building permit?
A: Pittsfield Charter Township Hall, 6201 W.Michigan Avenue,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108.

Q: I have a question about my taxes, where do I go?
A: Pittsfield Charter Township Hall, 6201 W. Michigan Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108.

Q: Where can I find out about the schools here?
A: We have a link to the public school system on the Home page.

Q: I need a babysitter, can you recommend one?
A: You could get the information in the Get To Know Your Neighbors section. Password required.

Q: What does the HOA require when I sell my home?
A: It is the seller's (current homeowner) responsibility to alert the HOA of a change in ownership. This is done by completing the Property Transfer form (which can be found on the Documents & Forms page). This is typically filled out at the title company that closes the sale. This form will include your information and the new homeowner's information and must be forwarded to the HOA immediately upon closing.

Q: If I sell my home during the year, do I get a portion of the annual HOA dues that I paid in January?
A: YES, you do get a paritial reimbursement from the purchaser of your home. This is typically prorated by the title company that closes your sale, based on the date of your closing. This is why it is important for you to provide the Property Transfer form (on the Documents & Forms page) to the title company. The title company will typically contact the HOA to verify how much you paid and then charge the purchaser accordingly.

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© 2005 Crystal Creek Homeowner’s Association